Delta2p's available this month.
SEPTEMBER AVAILABILITY: We are beginning to ship, from Australia, the first of a batch of 16 of the new D4 Delta2p portaledge. As they come off the sewing machines ready to ship, I will update the Order Page on the BigWallGear webpage. I only ship DHL international now, which costs $235AUD (about $170USD), but DHL is fast (about one-week delivery) and is the most reliable tracked shipping from Australia (Australia orders shipped Aus Post).
If the ledges are shown as "In Stock" and you order one, I will ship within a day or two, so you'd have your ledge in about 10 days. If the page says "Out of Stock", check back as we will have new stock each week--two or three Delta2p's will be ready to go each week if all keeps going well in the D4 Tassie innovation shed!
The Delta2p, a John Middendorf 2020 design, is proving to be a jump in portaledge innovation, with its unique "Perpendicular to the wall" layout. In addition, its "Delta" shape solves a long-standing problem of getting the bed tight in both directions by tensioning a single cam buckle, making setup quick and easy. See Deploy Video here.
It has definitely been a Tasmanian team effort creating this batch, with a team of talented climbers and portaledge makers helping with the production.
Our early 2020 test models have now been tested on the vertical in many exciting places, and everyone agrees on the major innovation of the "perpendicular to the wall" layout--it is a major jump in platform stability and system integration, making the cluster at vertical hanging belays much easier and more efficient. The other major innovation is the new delta shape, which combined with the D4 patent-pending bullet joiner system, makes for the simplest ever ledge to deploy, and of course is also more ergonomic, with both people head to wall, feet out.
Important reading for those interested in this new technology: D4 Setup Manual.
As always, we only use the finest materials, workmanship and bomber design, as we know from experience that portaledges are tools for the vertical that need to be dependable. More info on the BigWallGear website, and any specific questions, feel free to email me at (and especially if you have a super cool expedition that you really need one for, and I can see what I can do!).
Cheers, John Middendorf